What We Do
Welcome to the Center for Civic Engagement and Service!
We help students explore issues they are passionate about, provide opportunities for them to practice civic engagement, and develop leadership skills. We strive to engage tomorrow’s community members and leaders in the work of our democracy.
Help students identify service-based internships / jobs and service opportunities through one-on-one mentoring and an extensive database developed by the Center.
Offer civic engagement opportunities and provide support to students and student clubs engaged in public/community initiatives.
Our History 840 class meets during a WIN Block and allows students to pursue student-driven projects through which they engage in community issues and explore the many systems that are the cornerstones of our democracy including, our local, state, and national executive, legislative and judicial systems.
CCES also supports current and ongoing faculty efforts in leadership, civic engagement, and service by developing curriculum on civic engagement to be used in classroom settings.
Facilitate discussion groups/seminars and training in leadership.
Host programs related to current events and attract speakers to address issues related to civics, community engagement, leadership and service.
Work with officials and agencies at city, state, and federal levels to bring initiatives and education about government to NNHS students.
What is Civics anyway?
Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizens and how government works. For example:
- How do we elect the people who represent us?
- What about the health care, defense and justice systems? How do they function?
- What are the responsibilities of citizens and how do all of these contribute to our larger democratic system?
Everyone can make a difference in their community. Here’s how:
- Develop the knowledge and skills to make a difference in your community. Examples of these skills are: problem solving, team building, perseverance and empathy
- Promote the quality of life in your community through political and/or non-political processes by getting involved and putting your ideas to work.
Why we do it
Civics training and practice is important to us at CCES and Newton North. Here’s why:
- The future of our democracy depends on developing the next generation of informed and engaged citizens.
- A curriculum that includes civics gives students opportunities to develop and practice skills such as teamwork, public speaking, empathy and critical thinking.
- “Action Civics” opportunities allow students to learn about their world through experiential learning that takes them beyond the classroom, develops and accesses important skills and enables them to become active, informed and engaged members of their community.
Democracy is not a spectator sport.
Lotte Scharfman, League of Women’s Voters Massachusetts
Government of the people, by the people, for the people” is not just a historical phrase from Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address,” but an ideal that must be renewed and reinvigorated by each succeeding generation.
Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework, 2018
How you can help
There are a number of ways in which you can support CCES!